VBBAR //VisualBasic-ToolBar// RELEASE 2a {VB.EXE, VBRUN200.DLL and THREED.VBX are required !} --> CHANGES.TXT contains the major changes only. --------------- INSTALLATION: --------------- NONE. Copy to any directory (e.g. VB). ------------ RUN VBBAR: ------------ VB.EXE not active: VBBAR.EXE starts VB.EXE automatically. VB.EXE already active: VBBAR adds itself (to the VB menubar). Or: Enter VBBAR in the Program-Manager in the place of VB. (e.g.: '[drive]:\[VB-path]\VBBAR project1.mak' is possible !, this means you can type it in the command line of a program group of the Program-Manager) If the path to the project is invalid VBBAR opens the VB-open- project-box with the highlighted wrong path. You may then type in the correct path or alter the shown one. ------------ EFFECT(S): ------------ Runs VB.EXE (1,2,3,...) and builds itself into the VB toolbar area. Writes a REG-file and registers for *.mak, *.bas und *.frm. Calls the formats therefore 'VisualBasicBar' from now on. For a new definition (e.g. path-change) delete '.mak' from REG.DAT and run VBBAR.EXE from the new directory; OR run VBBAR adding the command '/REG' (this will redefine the REGEDIT-entry). (You can as well edit the REG.DAT directly.) --> The WIN.INI [Extensions] will NOT be editited ! ------------ OPERATING: ------------ Nothing particular. Doubleclick the Form: left button shows AboutBox, right button exits VBBAR. --> Drag'n'Drop from ANY File-Manager onto the file-symbol: MAKs will automatically be loaded, FRMs and BASs need to be confirmed. ------- EXIT: ------- Automatically with VB. Doubleclick on VBBAR-Form with the right mouse key (see above). ------ TIP: ------ Do you have your own libraries (BAS-files with customized endings like VBL or XXX...) ? If you always wished to start them alone with VB then simply alter the endings in the VBBAR.REG-file and run it. The new definitions will be stored in the REG.DAT and from now on you can doubleclick YOUR files in the file manager ! All rights of the application are with the author. Christian Germelmann Am Glaskopf 26 35039 Marburg/Lahn Germany Tel. ++49 6421 45457 CompuServe 100520,2644 P.S.: This application is still not very sophisticated so if you have any suggestions please let me know. - YOU can make more for YOURSELF out of it. I will combine YOUR wishes with VBBAR for free - just tell me ! Of course I will give information to most questions. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR TESTING !!!